If you are ready to fight back against those high energy costs or simply want your house to be...
Does Going Green cost more?
Does Going Green cost more?
Citizen Architect – Design Matters
I believe that as an architect I have an ethical duty to design solutions that are energy...
Is big commercial good for Harrisonburg?
Scott Rogers posted news of a new commercial business potentially coming to Harrisonburg this...
Community Health – Can we revive place during economic weakness
I am excited to see a new commercial business opening in Broadway, Virginia. Plan B is under...
Smart Solutions for your Home – Guest Post by Todd Hawkins
Guest Post from Todd Hawkins of Builder Fish. BuilderFish™ specializes in Universal Design (UD) to...
How efficient is your home?
I ask this question a lot of people I run into at home shows / county fairs. Many put up a...
How do you know if it is real green knowledge?
Do you judge someone by how they dress? What about how they talk? Does the car they drive make a...
Staycation Destination
With summer vacations upon us, I was wondering, what is your favorite local landmark. In the...
How do you measure success?
How do you measure success? Is it the percentage of jobs in the local economy that exist in...