It seems the older I get the faster the time goes. This summer went by in a flash, but we did make a lot of memories along the way. We finished phase 1 of the maker space in our basement which got a lot of use.
There was a sewing camp,
a soapbox derby race,
and the girls were in a play at Eastern Mennonite University.
We visited DQ many times.
Of course, there was a lot of ice cream.
We took a trip to Fallingwater to see the house, water falls, wind power, and even found a vegetative roof.
There was a lot of lego activity.
We enjoyed a parade and even got to see our Harrisonburg Co-housing friends.
There was a birthday party, lots of pool time, backyard smores, visits from family, and time at the mountain.
The garden grew strong, the flowers were blooming, and the local food was plentiful.
I had a chance to spend some time with the Governor.
More Lego time.
We enjoyed time on the Route 11 Yard Crawl.
We visited Roanoke and went to the Science Museum.
I even had time to play a little golf.
Of course we had plenty of donuts.
We had moments of pure joy while visiting the Rockingham County Fair.
And of course, we celebrated the start of school with first day pictures.