We have been fortunate to work on a variety of Daycare facilities this year. The Spanish Lab and Learning Center Daycare is another brand new facility that will open in 2025 in Harrisonburg.
This facility is going into an existing building that will require a few major changes to make it work efficiently for a daycare. The biggest challenge with converting an office building into a daycare is typically exterior egress access. In the case of this building, which had holding cells, the major challenge was thick concrete walls where you don’t want them. We evaluated multiple buildings before finding this one that seemed to work just right for the new use. However, taking out a concrete ceiling and walls that were specifically designed not to come out proved to be a challenge. Fortunately our builder, Nesselrodt Construction partnered with the innovative excavation firm Maust Excavating to figure out a simple way to safely remove the existing concrete.
As work progresses the vision for this space is coming into focus. The Spanish Lab and Learning Center will get a dedicated entrance and the Daycare will have its own entrance. The fenced in yard will make for a great playground and over time more equipment can be added. The classrooms will have lots of windows to invite in natural light where possible.
The additional of more daycare spaces in Harrisonburg is huge for our community. There are waiting lists everywhere for daycare and this prevents everyone that wants to work to get to work. Children that have the opportunity to attend a daycare are more prepared for kindergarten, have opportunities for growing social, emotional, and cognitive skills.
This particular daycare will provide for Spanish speaking skills to grow before ever entering kindergarten. Once you meet the owners of this facility you will know that the care and quality it will provide will be the best.