I have posted on the topic of CSI in the past, and with another Certification Exam deadline looming, it is time to do it again. In the construction industry, it is easy to put your head down and try to avoid problems by showing up on time, doing what is expected, and performing to the best of your ability. The problem is, as I have heard it so many times – “CONSTRUCTION HAPPENS!” What do you do when just doing what you ‘thought’ was expected is not what was actually expected? What do you do when your interpretation of the documents is not the owner’s interpretation? How do you show potential clients that you understand how the process works and that you are a leader in the industry that deserves the opportunity? One good way is by earning certifications through the Construction Specifications Institute.
I am a “Certified Construction Technologist.” This is the first step in the CSI certification ladder. In the competitive economy that we face, I find that we have to prove ourselves time and again that we understand the construction process. CSI’s professional qualifications do just that for you. CDT (Construction Document Technologist exam) is the “foundation you need to gain the competitive advantage” you need in today’s economy.
I encourage you to take the step and register for the CDT exam today. I can tell you it has benefited my career growth, allowed me to solve problems before they became big problems, and has saved my clients money.