Home School Resource Guide to Architecture

I have been working on creating a resources page for Home Schooling. Here is the start of the list: Coloring Pages
depot tree
Chesapeake Western Railroad Depot Church Addition Eastern Mennonite School Virginia Farmhouse Geography Online Architectural Tours
Wierschem, Germany
Oh the Places We Go – identify the locations where our swag has been found on google maps
Waterfall House
Identify a work of architecture, architect, year built, location and write a brief summary of why it is important. Here is an example, click HERE Architectural Bingo
Vocabulary Challenge Want to challenge your student with new vocabulary? Here is a list of Green Terms Defined. Architectural Shapes Have a young one learning shapes – get them to find the shapes in these architectural photos: Architectural Shapes
15 Week Architecture Construction and Engineering Course When I was in Charlottesville I taught a 15 week course to introduce high school students to the construction industry. Here is the syllabus for the program. ACE Mentor Program Design Challenge
harrisonburg architect
Class Activity – Draw this room to scale Gather supplies of a ruler (or any straight edge), graph paper (paper with squares on it) and a pencil, or a pen if you are desperate. With the paper on the table, use your FEET and measure out the length and width of the room where you are located by walking from one wall across the room to the other side of the room. Using the squares on the paper, where one square equals one footstep, mark the paper, and use the ruler to make straight lines. This is NOT easy for some people, so make sure that you are using the straight edge to make straight lines and ask for help if it keeps getting messed up. Origami House Build and decorate a quick house. Make a few and you can have a small village full of Origami Houses
Our friends at NEED.org always have cool resources. Here is a list of Distance Learning Resources that are hands on. NEED.org
If you know of links I should include, let me know by adding to the comments below.

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