While some are fighting over a $100 saving on a television, there are better deals to be found on this Friday and really everyday.
Energy Efficient appliances – When replacing appliances look for the energy star logo. Replacing a 1980’s model refrigerator with an energy star labeled appliance can save you $100 a year. Since these appliances can last 15+ years, a total savings of $1,500.
Water Efficient Fixtures – Installing water sense shower heads, efficient faucets, and native landscaping can cut your annual water bills by more than $100 a year. Since these fixtures will last 20+ years, a total savings of $2,000.
Air Sealing – Getting your home air tight not only improves comfort, but also reduces your monthly energy bills. This can result in savings of more than $120 a year. Since a home built for a lifetime can last, well a lifetime, lets say 30 years – this can result in savings of $3,600.
Insulation – You can always add a second blanket to your bed in the cold weather, but what about adding a second blanket to your home. Insulating the attic and crawl space can improve energy efficiency by more than 50%. Based on the average monthly electric bills in our area being $110 per month, this can result in annual savings of $660 or a 30 years savings of $19,800.
Efficient Lighting – The savings for lighting can be substantial depending on the amount you leave the bulbs burning. Selecting LED bulbs can reduce energy used by $50 annually. Since these bulbs will last on average 15+ years, this could result in $750 in savings.
So instead of looking for those minor black Friday savings of a couple of hundred dollars in savings, look at energy-efficiency savings that could result in $25,000+ in savings.