Please welcome Matty to our team

As a small business there is always the many hats rule – each person does a lot of things and wears many hats. I am thrilled to have Matty join our team here in Harrisonburg and immediately she is wearing multiple hats. She will be our new office manager, picking up where Jamara left off and will also join Charles in the marketing efforts for the firm. Matty brings a wide range of talents to the team and I am so excited to introduce her to our clients, friends, and supporters! Please take a minute and reach out to welcome her to Harrisonburg and the Gaines Group Architects team.

Madison (Matty) Tesch was born and raised in Findlay, Ohio, and later attended Bowling Green State University (BGSU) to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design. Between attending design club meetings and working as a marketing intern she spent her free time kickboxing at the local gym. Through college she experimented with several jobs from operating room assistant to window curator- she decided marketing was more her thing. Towards the end of college, she reconnected with her 3rd-grade boyfriend, they threw a dart at a map and landed on Harrisonburg, Virginia as the location for their first move.

After graduating from BGSU ( in 2020 she continued her internship through the pandemic where she gained knowledge on just how crucial effective marketing can be. In May of 2021, she moved to Harrisonburg with her now-husband / 3rd-grade boyfriend and spends her days baking pastries, and studying different kinds of marketing strategies and design trends.

Matty Tesch

Matty is eager to support the Gaines Group Architects team with her expertise in graphic design, office management, and client happiness.